Rest easy at night. secure your secret sauce recipie, or entire documents



Doing business in the digital age, for both big and small businesses, all require handling customer information and often means storing customer personal information like names, emails, phone numbers, home addresses, credit card information, and other confidential customer details. We need this information to operate. But if this data gets into the wrong hands, it can lead to cybercrime, identity theft and much more. To avoid the high costs of a security breach, like losing customer trust or facing lawsuits, it's just good business to keep this data safe.

Securing confidential information into a picture

The following video shows how Cloaksys secures information into any picture you may have lying around, then downloads the picture back to you with your encrypted information inside. This allows you to be in control of your own information as only you know what picture was used and where you keep it.

Use Cases

Public Safety

Increasingly, cyber threats pose risks to public safety by targeting critical infrastructure like transportation, city services, critical emergency, law enforcement and healthcare facilities. We must safeguard these vital systems as we are the first line of defense by securing our information.

Security & Confidentiality

Storing sensitive information like passwords, proprietary recipes, account numbers, or medical data on sticky notes or plain text files is no longer safe in today's business world. Safeguard your organization's secrets with robust encryption, and maintain control over your data to keep intruders at bay.

Information In Motion

As data transitions between services or devices, it becomes susceptible to tampering and unauthorized access, potentially putting your privacy at risk.